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Link color bold red: www.boysartmusic.com
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Addition of online Boys Art Music repertoire
Choir-Songs. Priority.
1. We Three Kings
2. Gloria Jonathan Dove (arr Davidson)
1. We Three Kings
- check for scannable score; it would be better to...
- make a vocal reduction score with keyboard accompaniment
- make a full score with instruments
- make a set of parts
- create the license for eternal photocopying/no sharing.
- promote The Fourth Wise Man; the scenario for the 3 Kings' processions
- already a number of recordings; streaming only, none for sale.
- Link to SoundCloud or on the website?
2. Gloria Jonathan Dove (arr Davidson)
- make a PDF vocal reduction score with keyboard accompaniment
- make a PCF of a full score
- Make a PDF of a set of parts
- License for photocopying
- promote Augsburg Advent Vespers
- promote arrangements by Davidson
- streaming of Augsburg Advent Vespers (SoundCloud?)